Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil University, Satara


Sr.No. SectionName Position at the UniversityDesignation
1 21 (3) (a) Prin. Dr. Dnyandeo Mhaske Vice-ChancellorChairperson
2 21 (3) (b) Prof. (Dr.) Manikarao SalunkheOne eminent person nominated by Chancellor’s in consultation with the ProvostMember
3 21 (3) (c) Prof. (Dr.) A. K. WavareDean, Vice Chancellor’s nomineeMember
421 (3) (c)NA Dean, Vice-Chancellor’s nominee (Women)Member
5 21 (3) (d) Dr. Anil Appasaheb Patil Eminent persons who are not the members of General Council to be nominated by the Provost;Member
6 21 (3) (d) Shri. Dilip Walse Patil Eminent persons who are not the members of General Council to be nominated by the Provost;Member
7 21 (3) (e)Secretary, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, SataraMember of General Council, to be nominated by the ProvostMember
821 (3) (e)The Finance and Accounts Officer, KBP University, Satara Member of General Council, to be nominated by the ProvostMember
9 21 (3) (f)NA State Government NomineeMember
10 21 (3) (g)Prof. (Dr.) Rajan More Dean, Provost’s NomineeMember
11 21 (3) (h)Principal, Y.C. Institute of Science, SataraThe principal of one constituent college, to be nominated by the Provost;Member
1221 (3) (i) Dr. Rajshekhar Nillolu Teacher Nominated by Vice-Chancellor’sMember
1321 (3) (i) Prof. Dr. Mrs. R. S. Shaikh Teacher Nominated by Vice-Chancellor’sMember
14 21 (3) (j) Dr. Mahendra Jagtap Alumnus nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.Member
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