Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil University, Satara is a State Public University established in 2022 under Maharashtra State Public University Act – 2016 Section 3 (6) with the financial support from Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) – a joint initiative of State Government of Maharashtra and Government of India. The varsity is a cluster of highly performing autonomous colleges including Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara (lead college), Dhananjayrao Gadgil College of Commerce, Satara (constituent college) and Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Satara (constituent). The major objective of the university is to improve the quality of education and enhance capacity to become dynamic and demand drive. It aims to promote cutting-edge research and to create outstanding conditions for young scholars at universities, to deepen cooperation between disciplines and institutions, to strengthen national/ international cooperation of research. It shall serve as a platform for communication, collaboration and co-operation that will optimize scarce resources as well as free students from the autocracy of boundaries and the constraints of location using emergent IT tools. The concept combines the best in traditional systems with the new opportunities for knowledge enhancement. Since the establishment, the university aimed at translation of research based extension to individuals and society. The chair will provide the opportunity to students, individuals and different societal groups towards the ideas for science involvement for betterment of society focusing on the sectors include Agriculture, Health, Education, Vocational Training, Business Processing technologies etc which will indirectly help for doubling India’s rural GDP. Through this chair, we try and welcome innovative ways of agro based rural industries/Industrial technologies such as Vermicomposting, Biofertilizers, Candle making, Dairy activities, Mushroom cultivation, floriculture, paper bag making, medicinal plant cultivation, apiculture etc. Moreover, different awareness workshops, training programs will be organized to different societal groups.

To run the activities and courses dedicated towards involvement of science in societal development focusing overall development of rural technology and scientific solutions to the social causes through retrieving funds under CSR (Corporate- Social Responsibility) industry and corporate sectors as well as from MSME, Govt. of India.

The Chair is academic mechanism for work on following directions

  • To assess the fundamental needs of rural area, people and society.
  • To act as basis for providing rural entrepreneurships.
  • To develop safe and eco-friendly technologies and their transformation to villagers.
  • To conserve and promote indigenous knowledge
  • Socio-nutritional-economic development of indigenous peoples through appropriate integrated technology and awareness
  • To aware peoples regarding government policies.
  • To develop skill in students to for aforementioned tasks by commencing various courses
  • To conduct any other related activities

The Chair is academic mechanism for work on following directions

  • Awareness Programmes
  • Collaborative Activities with research organizations and industry
  • Capacity building initiatives
  • Expert Lecture Series
  • Research Projects
  • Community Engagement Programme
  • Training and training modules
  • Workshop/Seminar/Conferences
  • Organization of Hackathon/Ideathon/Start-up/Skill competitions
  • Technology development for renewable energy sources
  • Small Scale and Agro-Processing Training
  • Soil-Water Testing, Agriculture and Agro product Entrepreneurship Training
  • Organic Farming, Integrated Pest Management and Remote Sensing

The Chair will run different courses such as SKILL, Diploma, Value Added, Product Design and Development, Solutions to various environmental issues, Technology Development etc.

In general, the priority areas for Chair are those that ensure the overall prosperity and wellbeing of the society through the application of science and technology and are of direct relevance and benefit to the people. Broadly, the scientific areas identified for undertaking the activities and programmes of the Chair include but not restricted to following,

  • Sustainable and Precision Agricultural
  • Materials for societal wellbeing
  • Food Processing and Micro-electronics
  • Science popularisation – science centres/museums
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Bio-safety and Bio-ethical Issues
  • Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Traditional Knowledge
  • Public-Private Partnership for Technological Innovation
  • Technology Transfer
  • Ecology, Environment and Biodiversity
  • Any Other Subject/Topic Relevant to the Science for Societal Development
  • Generation of baseline data of socio-economic status of the peoples of Satara and adjoining area.
  • The awareness programs, various activities and courses will enrich the basic understanding of science, technology and its transfer to the society
  • Skill training will promote the rural entrepreneurships
  • Safe and eco-friendly practices will reduce the environmental degradation.
  • Opportunity to promote indigenous knowledge through various scientific tools.
  • Individuals will learn about different schemes and government policies for setting new start-ups.
  • Solutions to the various societal needs and issues.

Advisory Board for Chair

There will be advisory Board for this chair

Sr.No Name of Advisory Board Designation
1 Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Chairman
2 One member Nominated by Academic Council Member
3 One Member Nominated by Board of Governance Member
4 Expert in the Field of Financial Inclusion Member
5 Senior Officer of District Lead Bank Member
6 Dean, Faculty of Humanities Member
7 Chair Professor Member Secretary