Financial Inclusion Chair

Financial inclusion policy is one of the most important part of the inclusive growth policy of the Government of India. An inclusive society is one in which its members have equal opportunities for full and meaningful participation in various developmental activities and its benefits. Inclusive growth is economic growth that raises standards of livings for broad swaths of a population. Proponents for inclusive growth warn that inequitable growth may have adverse political outcomes. It includes social inclusion and Financial Inclusion. Financial Inclusion means that individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs transactions, payments, savings, credit and insurance delivered in a responsible and sustainable way.

The Chair is academic mechanism for work on following directions

  • Create awareness about Financial Inclusion among the Rural and Marginalized Society
  • 2) Conduct awareness with the help of GOs and NGOs working in this area
  • 3) Conduct Policy Oriented Study and Formulating policies for Financial Inclusion
  • 4) Development of New Financial Products and Services for effective Financial Inclusion
  • 5) Provide guidance to the Research Students in the area of Financial Inclusion
  • 6) Develop literature, empirical data base and reference study material for learners, researchers and policy makers
  • 7) Conduct any other Programmes and activities related to Financial Inclusion

Expected outcomes:

  • Awareness about rights, obligations and responsibilities
  • Confidence building and leadership abilities
  • Skill Development and Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Independent Decision making abilities
  • Increasing participation in economic, social and cultural activities
  • Development of Women's Self Esteem
  • Equal Opportunities in the all fields of life

A) Awareness Programme:

  • Awareness about rights
  • Awareness about legal protection to the women
  • Awareness about Government schemes and policies
  • Financial Literacy Programme
  • IT Literacy Programme

B) Education and Training:

  • Skill development Courses
  • Entrepreneurship Development Course
  • Marketing and Management Courses
  • Leadership Development Training
  • Need based Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Courses

C) Research and Development

  • Ph.D. Programme
  • Minor and Major Research Projects
  • Collection of Empirical Data
  • Policy Oriented Project Work
  • Organization of Seminar, conferences and workshops

There will be advisory Board for this Chair

Sr.No Name of Advisory Board Designation
1 Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Chairman
2 One member Nominated by Academic Council Member
3 One Member Nominated by Board of Governance Member
4 Expert in the field of Women Empowerment Member /Faculty
5 Officer - District Women & Child Development Office Member /Faculty
6 Dean, Faculty of Humanities Member
7 Chair Professor Member Secretary