Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Chair in Social Inclusion

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Chair in Social Inclusion in KBP University, Satara is a multi-disciplinary teaching and research centre established under UGC Xth Plan to carry out research and teaching in the area of social exclusion, discriminatory studies and inclusive policies. This Post graduate diploma, M.Phil, Ph.D. programme focuses on developing understanding of the nature and dynamics of social exclusion and discrimination based on caste/ ethnicity, religion, gender and environment at both theoretical and empirical levels.

“Examining the effectiveness of existing policies for reducing the magnitude of Discrimination of Socially Discriminated and Excluded Groups / Communities in India, and to strive for establishingan egalitarian Society"

The Centre is mandated to pursue the following objectives:

  • Conceptualize discrimination, exclusion and inclusion based on caste/ethnicity and religion.
  • Develop understanding of the nature and dynamics of discrimination and exclusion.
  • Formulate policies for protecting the rights of these groups and eradicating the problem of exclusion and discrimination.
  • To organize national/ international Conference, Symposium, Seminars, workshop,Round Tables, Lectures for promotion and dissemination of knowledge regarding social exclusion, discrimination, public policies and to sensitize marginalized groups including religious minorities and weaker sections of the society.
  • To collaborate with academicians, subject experts, intellectuals, policy makers,researchers, institutions, Universities and NGOs to promote collaborative learning/research on social exclusion and inclusive policies.
  • To emerge as the finest Resource Centre by creating a Data Bank on socially marginalized group’s particularly religious minorities to promote future research.
  • To conduct any other related activity

Expected outcomes:

  • 1. To conceptualize and define discrimination and exclusion based on caste, ethnicity, class,gender, religion and region
  • 2. Describe the nature and dynamics of Social Exclusion and Discrimination in the Indian context.
  • 3. Apply knowledge of constitutional provisions, legislation and Inclusive policy in the maintenance of social justices.
  • 4. Analysis of the social, economic and political factors influenced on exclusion and inclusion process.
  • 5. A critical review of existing inclusive policy with reference to Indian Governmental policies for the inclusion of excluded communities.
  • 6. Develop an understanding of discrimination at the empirical level through research projects and develop alternative inclusive policy.

Plan of Activities and Scope:

Sr. No. Name of the Activity Target Group
A) Students Oriented Students
1 Research Project activities Students
2 Field Survey of Orphan Child Homes Students
3 Survey of Old Age Home Students /Faculty
4 Health awareness Programme for Katkari,Kolati, Vasudev, Joshi (kudmude) etc.community Students /Faculty
5 Field visit of Homeless Students
6 Guest Lecture Series Students /Faculty
7 Special Lecture Series Students /Faculty
8 Survey of Dam displacement people Students /Faculty
B) Faculty Orientedprogrammes
9 Minor Research Faculty
9 Minor Research Faculty
10 Seminar Students /Faculty
11 Workshops Students /Faculty
12 Training programme Students /Faculty
C) Society Oriented Activities
13 Environmental Issues and Social Exclusion Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
13 Seminar on problems of Third Gender Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
14 Political participation of Hilly Area Villages People/ Society
15 Socio-economic Study of Hilly area Villages Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
16 Problems of SC. ST, OBC and NT – DNT Communities Students /Faculty
17 Socio-economic Study of Minority Communities Students /Faculty
18 Minority Rights in India Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
19 Right to Education and Constitution of India Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
20 Resurgence of Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Human Rights Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
21 Engagement with Civil Society with regard to elimination of Child labour in Agricultural Activities Students /Faculty/ People/ Society
22 Equal Opportunity, Social Justice Students /Faculty/ People/ Society