Act Notices |
महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा हक्क अधिनियम 2015 |
Gazette Ext No 62 Relating to amendment of Section 11 13 and 109 of Maharashtra Act No 6 of 2017 |
3rd Amendment -Appointment-of-Teachers-and-other-Academic-Staff-amendment-of-UGC-Regulations-2023 |
2nd Amendment -Appointment-of-Teachers-and-other-Academic-Staff-amendment-of-UGC-Regulations-2023 |
Research Strengthning Scheme Guidelines-KBPU |
Innovation and Startup Policy For Students and Faculty |
KBPU Satara addition in Principal Act MPUA 2016 Marathi |
1st BoG _ Academic Council of KBPU Satara |
Appointment of First Vice Chancellor KBPU Satara |
Autonomous College Statutes 2023 |
Empowered Autonomous Colleges 2023 |
Notification Notices |
महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा हक्क अधिनियम 2015 |
Gazette Ext No 62 Relating to amendment of Section 11 13 and 109 of Maharashtra Act No 6 of 2017 |
3rd Amendment -Appointment-of-Teachers-and-other-Academic-Staff-amendment-of-UGC-Regulations-2023 |
2nd Amendment -Appointment-of-Teachers-and-other-Academic-Staff-amendment-of-UGC-Regulations-2023 |
Research Strengthning Scheme Guidelines-KBPU |
Innovation and Startup Policy For Students and Faculty |
KBPU Satara addition in Principal Act MPUA 2016 Marathi |
1st BoG _ Academic Council of KBPU Satara |
Appointment of First Vice Chancellor KBPU Satara |
Autonomous College Statutes 2023 |
Empowered Autonomous Colleges 2023 |